Hey, I'm Jonny. I'm a London apprentice instructor for Charisma Arts. We're a company that helps great guys to meet and connect with great women. The skills I learned here have made me happier and more successful. Now I get on better with my friends, my co-workers, and my family, as well as the women I meet. I can't wait to share this stuff with you.

Thursday 27 November 2008

Why I'm not a fan of jargon

A lot of guys picking up women use a code for all the stuff they do. I'm not a fan of that. Now, I realise every field has its only specialised language. Chemists talk to each other in chemistry language. Skaters talk to each other in skateboard language. So why can't pick-up artists talk to each other in pick-up language?

Well, you can if you want. I'm not here to tell you how to live your life. I just don't think that stuff is helpful. Here's why:

Using pickup jargon reinforces the idea that what you're doing is somehow not normal.

I don't think that's a healthy perception. It will make you more nervous. It will also make you less relatable to people outside the seduction community, and that's the opposite of what you're trying to achieve. Nothing could be more natural than men meeting women. Good women often complain to me that they struggle to meet great men. Women want you to meet them. They want to meet the real you. Not an act. Not your idea of a pickup artist. They want to meet you.

So I've resolved never to use pickup jargon when there's a perfectly good English term that I can use instead.


Sarging: Talking to women.

Pick-up artist: Man.

Neg: Insult (which is why I don't use them)

Obstacle: Hot girl's friend. For the love of god! (S)he's still a person. The word obstacle makes me imagine a marines-style assault course. This is a human being you could have fun talking to.

Freeze out: sulking (So I don't do that either).

AMOG: Guy who could kick my ass (actually, that's pretty much most guys).

Buying temperature: I have no idea what this means. I think the English might be "Dude, she likes you."

Pump my state: Stop whining (in Arnold Schwarzenegger voice for extra points).

The other thing is, the less stuff I have in my head while I'm talking to a woman, the less likely I am to screw it up. If I'm thinking to myself, "OK, I gotta transition from the pAImAI to comfort without looking like a wbafc," the chances are I'm not hearing the golden opportunity to escalate she just gave me. So I just don't know that stuff. To write this article, I googled "pickup jargon" and discovered a bunch of terms I've never even seen before. I don't know what they mean and I don't care. My suspicion is that if you have time to learn all that stuff, you're probably not having sex that often.

1 comment:

JulianL said...

I couldn't agree more. I feel it objectifies both myself and the women I'd like to get to know, and I don't find it helpful in any way. Great post! I wish you all the best as an instructor and in your adventures.